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Nevada Northern Section Gang





Thirteen year-old recent grade school graduate Warren K. Sandau began his half-decade of "summer" service on the NN in 1942 at a pay scale of 42½¢ per hour for a 10 hour shift.

He bucked rail as a gandy dancer, blew flues from inside the firebox as a hostler's helper, and empathized with the plight of the common track gang workers after his promotion to the work train crew.

His last summer as a gandy dancer was 1946, after graduation from White Pine High School. He left in August to join the U.S. Army.

His experiences as a NN rail were one impetus in his decision to attend the University of Nevada, Reno.

NNRy, East Ely, Nevada, 1943.
Machinist helper (left) and Warren K. Sandau, hostler helper (right).

Copyright © 2000 Warren K. Sandau
Used with permission

NNRy, Summer 1943.
Hostler helper Warren K. Sandau worked with Mr. Webb who was 77 years old and had been called back to work from retirement to help because of WWII.

Copyright © 2000 Warren K. Sandau
Used with permission

Summer 1945

East Ely NNRy Section Gang. L-R: Gerry Smith, Stanley J. Drakulich, unknown, section boss, Warren K. Sandau, unknown, unknown.
Copyright © 2000 Warren K. Sandau
Used with permission

Summer 1945

NNRy East Ely Section Gang. L-R: unknown, Warren K. Sandau, unknown, unknown, Gerry Smith, unknown.
Copyright © 2000 Warren K. Sandau
Used with permission


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